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Payment methods

To make the payment process for your order as convenient and barrier-free as possible, we offer a variety of different payment methods.

We are sure to have the right one for you:

If you choose to pay with PayPal, you will be redirected to PayPal at the end of the order process. If you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in there with your user data and confirm the payment. If you are new to PayPal, you can log in as a guest or create your own PayPal account, enter your bank or credit card information, and then confirm your payment. This way you don't have to enter your payment details for every purchase.
If you pay with PayPal, your goods will be shipped immediately when they are fully reserved.
You can also pay with PayPal directly from the shopping cart. You will be redirected to PayPal and your data will be used for the order.
For a comfortable and fast purchase we offer you the Klarna invoice purchase. Klarna automatically decides during the order process if they guarantee your payment. We have no influence on this decision and only know that it is based on many different factors and a rejection of one purchase does not mean that the next order will also be rejected. If you order via invoice through Klarna, your goods will be shipped immediately when they are fully available.
You transfer the open invoice amount to our bank account. As soon as we receive the payment, we will ship your package. To speed up this process, you can also send us a screenshot or a copy of the transfer receipt. We expect your payment within 14 days. If we have not received your payment after 14 days, we will have to cancel your order.
If you pay with your MasterCard or VISA card, we will charge your credit card when we receive your order in our online store. Unfortunately, for data protection reasons, we are not allowed to accept your credit card details over the phone.
For higher-value products, we offer the possibility to make an installment purchase via easy Credit, TeamBank AG, with a fixed interest rate and without time-consuming paperwork. For this purpose we have linked an installment calculator on the corresponding pages. The terms are between 6 and 36 months and the decision is made immediately online in the ordering process. You pay the first installment 30 days after delivery at the earliest. The contract is concluded between you and Teambank AG. Teambank AG is a member of the Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial group.
If you have any questions about your personal installment plan, please contact:
ratenkauf by easyCredit
TeamBank AG Nürnberg
Beuthener Str. 25
90471 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911/53 90-0
Fax: +49 (0) 911/53 90-2222